Getting Started
Before bringing your child for his or her first lesson Lambrech Music Piano Studio, it is important that both parent and child know what to expect from lessons and classes. A conversation between families and Lambrech Music Studio is the first step.
Email exchange or telephone conversation about the program and philosophy. Please email to set up a phone conversation or obtain more information.
Begin playing the Suzuki Piano School Book One CD or recordings at home. This can be found at most music stores, Amazon, iTunes and various other locations. There are different editions of the Book 1 recording. Any will work but I am partial to the Haruko Kataoka and Valerie Lloyd Watts versions.
Parents read Nurtured By Love, by Dr. Shinichi Suzuki, or Ability Development from Age 0, by Dr. Suzuki. The first short book describes how Dr. Suzuki came upon this method of teaching children in a very natural way, and the second book is a practical guide to the method.
Visit classes/observe lessons. It is recommended that you and your child visit for at least one lesson before enrolling in Suzuki Piano Study.
Be sure your piano is tuned. An acoustic piano is required for students enrolled in the Suzuki Piano Program. While electronic keyboards have many amazing features, students need to practice on an acoustic piano to learn how to create good tone.
Acquire appropriate adjustable seating equipment at home. The adjustable bench (may also use seat cushions or foam) and footrest (may use a box or footstool) are necessary to ensure healthy playing posture and development of good tone, both of which will enable lifetime enjoyment of piano playing for your child.
Attend Parent Orientation for new parents. These will be scheduled as needed based as far as possible on the scheduling needs of new parents in the program.
Please play your class/lesson CD(s) daily at home and in the car (if applicable) for as many hours as possible. Children absorb more from “passive” listening than adults can ever realize. Also encourage active listening (occasionally following along with your method book) and participation, and supervise daily practice. Remember that what you as the parent care about will also become important to your young child. You can foster interest in music in your child—if you are enthusiastically involved in music, they will be too!
Attend concerts, recitals, and other venues where good music is performed well. While classical piano performances will be most inspiring to piano students of all ages and should be sought out for those students, all quality musical performances of all genres will nurture the love for music most parents want their children (and themselves!) to enjoy. Make attendance at musical events a priority—it counts as both educational and leisure time!